Career stories

Juggling a career in PR with family life

by Michelle Wilson

Flexibility from employers is key as any working parent will say and at PLMR Advent that has certainly been the case.

After working in news and sport in local and regional newspapers, I joined Advent Communications – now PLMR Advent – over 20 years ago and I have built up great experience over that time.

When I returned from maternity leave seven years ago, I asked to work four days a week and at slightly different hours from my colleagues so that I could drop off our child at nursery and get there on time at the other end of the day due to traffic and to avoid receiving a fine from nursery for being late!

It is now drop off at breakfast club and collecting from after school club but I still start work at the same time as my colleagues and finish slightly earlier. That means during my working hours, I can focus on ensuring the best possible coverage for my client base.

Working parents are used to juggling and those skills are really useful throughout my working hours as well to ensure the needs of various clients are met.

Becoming a parent doesn’t automatically mean the end of career progression. When we joined PLMR, I was promoted to Account Director which means extra responsibility through being part of the Management Group and working groups as well as Advent’s management group.

It also means the skills that I have learnt benefit the business and my clients as well as younger colleagues who I have mentored over the years.

Receiving a call from nursery or school to say our child is ill and needs to be picked up has thankfully only happened on a handful of occasions but each time there hasn’t been any kick-back because it’s understood that this is part of family life. Because of that flexibility, I can then make the time up after hours when the opportunity arises.

Being a working parent is a daily balancing act but I’ve found that PLMR Advent’s flexibility means there are no barriers. When there is a special school assembly or Mother’s Day school lunch, I can attend and log on to my lap-top to continue working afterwards and with the school summer holidays just coming to a close, I’ve been able to work from home more than usual to be able to drop off and collect from holiday club.

Communication between employers and employees is key and companies that offer family-friendly flexibility are more likely to attract parents and not miss out on the many varied skills that we offer!

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