The Chartered College of Teaching

How PLMR raised the profile of The Chartered College of Teaching in the national media and political landscape


The Chartered College of Teaching


Services provided

The Situation

The Chartered College of Teaching (CCT) is a professional membership body for teachers that works to celebrate and advocate the brilliant work that teachers do in providing a high-quality education for children and young people. The CCT sought PLMR’s support to help strengthen its profile and reputation as a leading and influential education body, with a particular focus on raising the media profile of its CEO, Dame Alison Peacock, and cultivating strategic relationships with key government stakeholders that would benefit its membership base of more than 40,000 teachers.

What we did

Following our kick-off meeting with Dame Alison and the team, we developed a key messaging document identifying themes and talking points which would help position Dame Alison as a thought leader on the pulse of the education news landscape. This messaging document formed the basis of our proactive and reactive PR strategy, which focused on the national and broadcast press. As a result of this strategic messaging and our team’s ability to leverage the news agenda, we secured a string of high-profile interview opportunities for Dame Alison with The Sunday Times, Forbes, The Financial Times, LBC Radio. We also supported with drafting reactive quotes and comment pieces to ensure Dame Alison was leading the conversation and sharing her expert views on pivotal education issues, such as Results Day 2021 and the Initial Teacher Training Market Review.

We have also supported the CCT with launching its new eBook and several reports exploring different approaches to learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our consultants have also drafted press releases and securing coverage and op-ed opportunities in leading trade publications such as Tes, Teach Secondary and SecEd.

The Result

Building positive relationships with key players in government was another key objective for the CCT to further enhance its credibility in the sector. To this aim we developed a comprehensive public affairs strategy, involving stakeholder mapping of target MPs in central government, the shadow cabinet, APPGs and Select Committees; drafting tailored outreach letters; and supporting with detailed briefing documents. Using our insights on each respective MP, we have to-date secured positive meetings for Dame Alison and the Minister of State for Schools, Robin Walker MP and the chair of the Education Select Committee, Robert Halfon, while also providing strategic advice ahead of meetings with Secretary of State for Education, Nadhim Zahawi, former Minister of State for Schools, Nick Gibb, and Rory Gribbell, a special advisor at the DfE.

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PLMR’s crisis communications experience is second to none, and includes pre-emptive and reactive work across traditional and social media channels. We work with a range of organisations to offer critical communication support when they are faced with difficult and challenging scenarios.
