Spirit Health

How PLMR used data obtained by Freedom of Information requests to position Spirit Health as a trusted thought leader and partner to the NHS.


Spirit Health


Services provided

The Situation

Spirit Health provide services to support people living with long-term conditions, including medicines optimisations programmes, innovative digital health technology and education services.

PLMR were approached to develop and execute a strategic PR programme to build and consolidate their status as a trusted partner to the NHS through the deployment of CliniTouch, their digital health platform. The platform provides remote patient monitoring and ‘virtual wards’ to clinicians.

What we did

PLMR devised and executed an extensive campaign based on the results of Freedom of Information requests to NHS Trusts. The data obtained demonstrated planned approaches to recruitment to support the delivery of virtual wards across all 219 hospital trusts.

In addition to our research-based campaign, PLMR supported Spirit Health with a series of press releases and thought leadership pieces to promote the deployment of their virtual ward platform across NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR).

This two-strand approach helped to build Spirit Health’s profile as a trusted thought leader in a highly competitive space, and particularly amongst NHS partners.

The Result

Spirit Health received multiple inbound sales enquiries from other ICS areas looking to deploy virtual wards as a direct result of coverage secured by PLMR.

Our profile-building thought leadership campaign included editorial pieces in key trade publications Digital Health, Health Tech Newspaper and Health Tech Digital. Our FOI campaign research also resulted in Spirit Health receiving coverage in Nursing Times and Hospital Times.

Leveraging the positive impact of the NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland collaboration, and the conditions supported by Spirit Health-developed virtual wards, PLMR was able to secure top-tier local coverage with BBC Online, The Leicester Mercury and Leicestershire Live. In doing so, we effectively positioned Spirit Health and NHS LLR as a key, future-proofed, local healthcare partnership.

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PLMR’s crisis communications experience is second to none, and includes pre-emptive and reactive work across traditional and social media channels. We work with a range of organisations to offer critical communication support when they are faced with difficult and challenging scenarios.
