Genee World

Utilising public relations to build the brand


Genee World


Services provided

The Situation

Founded in 2005, Genee World is an education technology provider which brings audio-visual (AV) solutions to teachers and schools to improve teaching and learning; all of which are developed by education professionals. Due to its success in the education sector, Genee World’s products are also targeted at the corporate, retail and hospitality sectors. They wanted help raising their profile with as an organisation in the AV technology press and build awareness of its solutions among teachers and schools.

What we did

Mango at PLMR secured editorial opportunities for Genee in a number of education, training and technology publications including FENews, Teach Primary, Channel Info, SENCo Magazine, Education Technology, AV Magazine and Training Journal. We continue to provide Genee with these opportunities.

In addition to this, Mango at PLMR also produces end-user case studies, helping Genee to showcase its success stories of each client in the media and on the website.

Other activity that Mango at PLMR has helped deliver for Genee World throughout the campaign includes interviews, journalist meetings, broadcast opportunities and award entries.

The Result

Our work enabled the client to be position themselves as a new, exciting solution in the education sector, whilst also being seen as experts in the field.

The media appearances and case studies have aided improve SEO on the Genee World website.

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PLMR’s crisis communications experience is second to none, and includes pre-emptive and reactive work across traditional and social media channels. We work with a range of organisations to offer critical communication support when they are faced with difficult and challenging scenarios.
