Essex County Council – Traded Services

How PLMR Genesis helped Essex County Council equip staff with commercial skills


Essex County Council - Traded Services

The Situation

Like so many local authorities around the country, Essex has felt the effect of cuts from central government, but by driving innovation and upskilling its teams to be confident business leaders, new revenue streams are being created.

Instead of closing funding gaps by cuts alone, Essex County Council equip staff in selected service areas with the right sales and other commercial skills to operate more competitively and generate new income for the council.

What we did

Working with different service teams within Essex County Council, PLMR Genesis first identified how PR and digital communications could support their business goals, mapped out their stakeholders and audiences and developed a proactive strategy for PR and social media.

The Result

Understanding the needs of each service area was crucial to developing the right strategy. PLMR Genesis hosted messaging and marketing workshops with key decision makers to ensure that the right communications strategy was in place before proactive communications programmes were started.

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PLMR’s crisis communications experience is second to none, and includes pre-emptive and reactive work across traditional and social media channels. We work with a range of organisations to offer critical communication support when they are faced with difficult and challenging scenarios.
