Broadbridge Heath

How PLMR supported West Sussex County Council to gain planning consent for a major-retail led regeneration project in Broadbridge Heath.


West Sussex County Council

Services provided

The Situation

PLMR were first appointed by West Sussex County Council in 2023 to undertake stakeholder and community consultation for its proposals for a major retail-led regeneration project as part of the Broadbridge Heath Quadrant in Horsham.

The proposed development represented a significant scheme for both Horsham and West Sussex County Council (WSCC). The application will bring an under-utilised brownfield site, the Broadbridge Heath Highways Depot, back into use in accordance with its allocation within the Local Plan, delivering dynamic retail uses, with a selection of new and exciting brands.

It will not only contribute to the economic regeneration of Horsham and wider West Sussex, but create an estimated 154 new jobs, and offer residents a broader more attractive retail offer in the area.

Following this initial engagement, PLMR were re-appointed in 2024 to lead on stakeholder engagement ahead of the application heading to committee.

What we did

In delivering our consultation programme we actively engaged with key political and community stakeholders, alongside the community and residents of Broadbridge Heath and surrounding areas. This included key figures at Horsham District Council, Broadbridge Heath Parish Council, and the local cycling forum.

We sought to highlight the key benefits of the proposals to these stakeholders, including the regeneration of a brownfield site and significant value the scheme would bring in terms jobs, economic contribution, and investment.

Alongside this we also launched a dedicated consultation website to clearly showcase the proposals, distributed leaflets to the community alongside a press release to relevant media and held a public exhibition event.

The feedback received as part of the consultation programme helped shape the scheme in several important ways and the finalised plans which were submitted.

Ahead of the application heading to committee in 2024 we later led on engagement with key stakeholders, centred around a briefing note that not only succinctly re-highlighted the key benefits of the proposals, but the changes that had been made following the consultation period and discussions with planning officers.

The Result

As a result of our efforts, West Sussex County Council achieved conditional approval for the proposals in September 2024 and finalised approval in February 2025. 

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