PLMR’s Week Ahead in Westminster: 21st November

Should Nick Clegg stand down, who's the best bet to become the next Lib Dem party leader?

Voting in the Lib Dem presidential elections closing on Wednesday. Current incumbent, Tim Farron is standing aside with him widely tipped to become Nick Clegg’s successor.

Rob Comba speaks to writer and Associate Director of think tank Centre Forum, Nick Tyrone and PLMR’s Nathan Hollow to get their views on who will be the next party president and who might take Nick Clegg’s crown.

Who is going to take over from Tim Farron as the party’s president?

As the most high profile candidate, Nick’s expecting it to be Baroness ‘Sal’ Brinton.

What has Tim Farron done as president of the Lib Dems?

Nick believes has done well at being the voice of opposition to the Lib Dems in government.

Bet 365 rates Tim Farron at 11/10 to become the next party leader. Is that a good price?

Nick thinks Norman Lamb might be a better shout as he’s currently rated at 11/2 by Bet 365.

Nathan says that Tim Farron is incredibly popular with the grassroots of the party, so it makes him a likely leader – even at 11/10.

Should Nick Clegg stand down and make way for someone new like Farron?

Nathan doesn’t think it’s right for Clegg to stand down, it may be more appropriate for him to do so after the election in May. Particularly if the party want to go into a coalition.

Who would you bet on?

The PLMR podcast odds:

  • Tim Farron: 11 – 10
  • Vince Cable: 6 – 1
  • Norman Lamb: 11 – 2
  • Ed Davy:  7 – 1
  • David Laws: 22 – 1

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