Jackie has almost 30 years’ experience in healthcare.
Jackie spent 28 years with Medtronic, 10 years as Vice President heading up the UK/Ireland organisation.
Whilst at Medtronic Jackie held various other posts including Chair of BCIA (British Cardiovascular Intervention Association) and a council member of BCIS (British Cardiovascular Intervention Society).
In November 2010 Jackie was elected to sit on the ABHI Board of Directors and was re-elected after her term ended in 2012. In 2015 Jackie took the role of Vice Chair at ABHI.
Jackie was also a member of the Ministerial Medical Technology Strategy Group.
Jackie was a Non Exec Director on the board of Neoss from 2016 to 2019.
Jackie is now spending her time as a Non Executive board member and advisor.
She is Non Exec Director at 3DLP, a company aiming to improve patient outcomes with 3D technologies.
In the public sector Jackie sits on the board of NICE as a NonExec Director and she is Chair of Northumbria Primary Care (NPC), an innovative, not-for-profit venture which aims to achieve excellence through collaboration.
In her spare time Jackie is an avid supporter of Sunderland football club and spends her free time in the Lake District.