Warwickshire County Council Christmas campaigns

Promoting the high street at Christmas

The Situation

Warwickshire County Council wanted to promote its towns and their independent businesses as places to buy Christmas presents from as high streets looked to recover from the pandemic in 2020.

The council hired PLMR Advent to come up with a creative campaign to engage with people across the county and get people buying local.

What we did

PLMR Advent came up with the name ‘Warksmas’ – a cross between Warwickshire and Xmas – for the campaign, and used this as a hashtag across social media

The campaign was launched with an initial press release which was individually targeted at the different towns in the county, before the social media campaign began.

On social media, an ‘A to Z of Christmas’ was produced, which highlighted various shops, towns, and other activities from A to Z across 26 days through November and December in the run-up to Christmas.

These were shared across the council-owned Warwickshire Towns Network Facebook and Twitter pages, and PLMR Advent encouraged partner organisations like lower-tier councils and BIDs to share the campaign across their own channels.

This was supplemented by video case studies of various businesses showcasing their products and backing the Warksmas campaign, which were shared on social media and on the council’s website.

The Result

The first campaign reached more than 175,000 social media users, and led to PLMR Advent being hired again to create similar campaigns in 2021 and 2022 with a blend of PR, social media content and direct video.

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