The Association for Project Management (APM)

How PLMR Genesis helped APM promote the benefits of its membership to project professionals


The Association for Project Management (APM)

Services provided

The Situation

APM was seeking strategic PR and media relations support to work closely with its in-house team to manage and enhance its reputation among key target audiences and promote the benefits of its membership, including qualifications and pursuing chartered status, to project professionals.

APM identified a further need to improve the retention of existing members and corporate partners, and to proactively support recruitment to continue its expansion.

Additional goals included increasing media profiles of its senior leadership team and laying the groundwork for greater international awareness.

What we did

PLMR Genesis partnered with APM to develop and execute a tailored communications strategy aimed at engaging priority audiences, delivering impactful messages, and targeting the most effective media channels.

Our proactive media relations programme is centred on APM’s robust research, reports and events, while also showcasing internal initiatives and corporate partner collaborations through impactful case studies.

In addition, we identify timely opportunities for same-day reactive or reflective media commentary which has led to high-profile coverage and podcasts. To enhance APM’s public affairs activities, we collaborate closely with our London-based PLMR Group specialists to extend strategic support.

The Result

  • Consistent flow of coverage across target trade and regional media
  • Achieved approx. 200 cuttings in first 18 months including thought leadership editorials
  • APM individual membership has grown to over 45,000 in same period
  • APM Corporate Partners has also grown to over 470 in last 18 months
  • Anecdotal evidence of greater reputation of APM among project profession


APM testimonial quote

“We are really enjoying working with PLMR Genesis in helping build the visibility of APM and project management as a career choice to a wider audience across through a wide range of media. We have seen a consistent flow of media coverage since they came on board, and we look forward to future success in our upcoming PR campaigns.”

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