SAIF – UK Independent Funeral Directors

How PLMR Genesis helped raise awareness of SAIF within the industry


SAIF - UK Independent Funeral Directors

The Situation

SAIF is the UK trade association for independent funeral directors and has grown to represent nearly 1,000 members. It works to promote best practice in the industry and provide advice, support and guidance to consumers.

To raise awareness of SAIF within the industry, increase the number of funeral directors who join the trade association and promote the use of independent firms to the wider public. There was also an additional public affairs element to influence government policy.

What we did

An integrated approach was taken which included PR, social media, SEO, web development, digital advertising and print marketing to promote key messages to relevant stakeholders.

The Result

The integrated campaign combined with a strategic rebranding process led to a steady growth in members joining the trade association. Extensive print and broadcast coverage also positioned SAIF as one of the leaders in the industry to both the industry and consumers.

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