JCQ Results Day

How PLMR aided JCQ in getting ready for results day through media coaching




Services provided

The Situation

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and its members needed to communicate well with the media, the sector and the wider public and respond to difficult questions through their results day conferences, following the disruption to the summer 2022 exam series.

Additional to the annual update sharing the year’s exam results and key statistics, they needed to communicate details on the steps they took to ensure the cohort of students were treated as fairly as possible when compared to pre-pandemic years. At the time, this was a hot topic, and JCQ wanted to ensure they did the best possible job with their planned conferences with the press and wider education sector on A Level and GCSE results days. An added challenge was, given the restrictions at the time, this had to be done online.

What we did

PLMR carried out bespoke media and webinar training for JCQ, providing constructive criticism on everything from their background, posture and lighting to the way they answered questions, taking into account the different audiences.

The Result

One of the panellists who took part in the training said “It was very helpful. You provided us with plenty of hints and tips for presenting as well as ideas to help prepare material for results days.” The panellists came back for more support, again remarking on the impact the training had in helping them to respond to challenging situations and communicate their message.

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PLMR’s crisis communications experience is second to none, and includes pre-emptive and reactive work across traditional and social media channels. We work with a range of organisations to offer critical communication support when they are faced with difficult and challenging scenarios.
