Hertfordshire County Council

How PLMR Genesis helped Hertfordshire County Council’s Stop Smoking Service


Hertfordshire County Council

The Situation

With a population of 1.14 million, Hertfordshire has one of the lowest number of smokers in the country. However, as smoking remains the single biggest cause of death and ill health, the County Council remains proactive in supporting people to quit.

The Council’s Stop Smoking Service identified that many routine and manual workers who smoked considered roll-up tobacco to be ‘more natural’ and therefore less harmful than conventional cigarettes. A campaign was needed to tackle these myths and generate referrals.

What we did

Based on primary market research, an integrated campaign ‘Wise up to roll-ups’ was developed and supported with a strong creative using a mock ‘bacci’ pouch. The campaign utilised a mix of media relations, workplace outreach, and targeted outdoor and PoS to drive traffic to a microsite.

The Result

During the campaign, traffic to the microsite generated by the mix of PR, outdoor advertising, and PoS materials in targeted pharmacies and GP surgeries, exceeded expectations. As a result targeted volumes of quit packs and direct support was achieved.

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