PLMR Report:  Coronavirus Resilience for Businesses in China and Lessons Learned So Far

Kevin Craig

Founder and CEO

Amidst the extraordinary climate that businesses in the UK are navigating, our latest report looks at how companies in China, several weeks ahead of the UK in its Coronavirus experience, have navigated the challenges posed by the virus.  Notwithstanding the fundamentally different nature of life in China and its politics, and the row today between our two Governments on testing, there are still some fascinating studies in our latest report of how Chinese companies have navigated and pivoted through the crisis

This latest report has been written by PLMR Team Members expert in China and China-related affairs and takes a detailed look at how the country and its economy have reacted to the challenges of COVID-19.  Over the past 40 years China’s GDP has grown on an average around 9.5 per cent a year and over 700 million Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty. The country has made huge progress. Of course deep rooted challenges remain including human rights, democracy, poverty, pollution. Add to this challenging environment all that has happened in 2020 thus far.

In excess of 500 Chinese companies have offices in the UK with £17 billion of capital invested to date here in an array of projects including some of those sectors of most interest to us and our clients.  Whether it’s finance and telecommunications or newer sectors  – modern energy, hi-tech manufacturing, infrastructure and research  – these are all highly growing arms of China’s economy with many companies seeking to play on a global stage.

We hope that this latest report will prove interesting reading to all those with an interest in China with whom – despite the obvious huge challenges – Britain needs close and productive relations in the challenging years ahead.

Kevin Craig

Kevin Craig is CEO and Founder of PLMR as well as having founded the GCA, a global network of independent communications businesses.  

Read the full report here.

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