Theresa May isn’t going anywhere – by leaving, Boris Johnson has just given her more power

Kevin Craig

Founder and CEO

PLMR's CEO Kevin Craig discusses the recent political drama in the Metro

Thanks to yesterday’s resignations by David Davis and Boris Johnson, Prime Minister May’s hard-won compromise over the EU deal provided her with less than 48 hours reprieve from the political in-fighting that has dogged her government since day one.

Boris Johnson quits as foreign secretary throwing government into crisis Despite agreeing to their leader’s plan in Chequers on Friday, Davis and Johnson both performed a quick about-face; blindsiding the Prime Minister with theatrical resignations and talk of suffocating the Brexit ‘dream’.

Not for the first time since she took office, Theresa May is dealing with a political upset that has Tory backbenchers plotting coups and the Labour ranks warming up their general election machinery.

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