Is Your Social Media Working?

Have you found that your social media posts aren’t doing as well as they used to, or they never really took off the way you hoped?

Have you found that your social media posts aren’t doing as well as they used to, or they never really took off the way you hoped?

This short blog is here to help you with some handy tips on boosting your exposure on social media. There’s so much to say on this subject, so we’ll keep it brief and to the point.


Keep copy short and appealing


Your copy needs to be posted in different styles depending on what platform you’re using. Make sure you keep it concise and appealing; otherwise your reader will quickly get bored and continue scrolling through their feed. It’s important to remember as well that people’s attention spans aren’t what they used to be, so they do tend to skim read the longer posts that you see on Facebook or LinkedIn, You must get straight to the point.


Two-way conversations are important too, otherwise it’s like having a chat with someone and then never listening to their response or letting them speak. If someone comments, replies or reviews a post on your page, it’s essential to acknowledge them, to show you care enough to listen and take their comments on board, good or bad.




We’ve found that spending the time to create a graphic, whether it be an infographic or GIF, really does pay off. Infographics especially are a great way to clearly get your information out there in a creative way which engages your audience. Using a simple image can also have impact and if done well will allow you to get your message across simply, quickly and efficiently.


Video is just as engaging, if not in some cases more so than still images. Vines (short six-second clips) are quick and easy to produce and integrate well with Twitter. Longer videos, which could be used for case studies or promotions, are better suited to Facebook or LinkedIn as these platforms aren’t as fast paced as Twitter.


There are many free tools available, which can be used to create branded images, infographics, GIFs, videos and so on, lots of them offering great features and options to choose from. However, if you want a professional finish, the paid routes are usually the best, whether that be doing it yourself on specialised software or hiring an agency like Genesis to do it for you.




Fail to plan – plan to fail! Make sure if you’re just starting out or already well established, you have a plan. It’s so important to go back and review your goals, assess areas of improvement and then make any changes accordingly. If you’re not achieving what you want to on Facebook, maybe Twitter or LinkedIn would be better off focusing on. We have a broad range of clients here at Genesis and depending on what sector they’re in, we find some companies perform better by focusing on just Facebook or just Twitter.


Keep learning


If you have not grown up around social media and your learning curve is steep, don’t worry. The learning never stops for any of us digital marketers as the features and technology of social media are constantly changing.


But if you think you need some expert resource to advise on and look after your social media accounts, then drop us a line. We have a proven track record in generating higher levels of exposure and engagement for our clients’ social media, often as part of a wider PR plan.

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