Will we soon have an answer to the West Lothian question?
Next week, MPs are set to vote on the issue of English Votes for English laws – something that is often referred to as the West Lothian question. Should this vote be passed, it would mean English MPs would effectively have a veto on laws only affecting England.
To find out more about it, we spoke to John Ashmore the Assistant News Editor of Politics Home.
We ask John:
How would the proposed plan work?
According to John, it’s pretty complicated – there would be separate committees which would mean Scottish MPs would not be able to propose legislation which might affect England.
Who’s against it?
Well, John says pretty much everyone is against it apart from the Conservatives.
Will it go through?
John thinks it will be very close – particularly as the Conservative have a very small majority.
Will Scottish MPs, as some have suggested, become ‘second class citizens’ in Westminster?
John says there is an argument to suggest this is merely equalising the system – that’s if it works as intended.