PLMR’s Week Ahead in Westminster: 5th September

What answers should Parliament arrive at when they debate the crises in Iraq and Syria and will the new press regulator work?


PLMR’s Rob Comba first discusses whether air strikes are the answer to problems in the Middle East with Dwayne Menezes, the Director of foreign policy think tank, the Human Security Centre.

The crises in Iraq and Syria will be the subject of a full commons debate on Wednesday. Has this been a long time coming?

Dwayne believes so. He and others at the Human Security Centre wanted Parliament to return from recess last month to debate the issue.

Should they decide to join the US in carrying out air strikes?

Dwayne believes it definitely be considered, as they have already helped Iraqi and Kurdish forces take back territory from the Islamic State.

Rob then speaks to former BBC presenter and PLMR’s Head of Broadcast, Mike Ramsden about the new press regulator.

The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO)is launching on Monday. What exactly is it?

It came as a result of the Leveson inquiry into press intrusion and is an independent body made up of 12 people from various industries.

Will it work?

Mike says it needs the support of major newspapers to succeed, many of whom don’t currently back it.

The Pros and Cons of Using Spotify Advertising

Minister of State for Housing and Planning, Matthew Pennycook MP, discusses streamlining infrastructure process and “going for growth” on Radio 4

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