PLMR’s Week Ahead in Westminster: 19th September

How will Ed Miliband capitalise on the referendum result at the Labour Party conference?

Rob Comba is joined by Conor Pope from LabourList, James Bloodworth, the Editor of Left Foot Forward and PLMR’s Danny Wilding as they look ahead to next week’s Labour conference in Manchester.

Will the Ed Miliband be boosted by the Scottish referendum result?

With the Better Together campaign being fronted mainly by Labour politicians, Conor believes the party will certainly experience a ‘bounce’ over the next few days.

David Cameron has promised English devolution. Is he trying to stake his own claim to referendum victory?

James says that the No campaign was Labour led, so it is difficult to attribute the victory to anyone else.

So, how does Ed Miliband make the most of this so-called boost?

Danny says Miliband needs to deflect attention back on to himself and away from the likes of Jim Murphy and Gordon Brown.

What will be Ed’s big policy pledge at this year’s Labour conference?

Last year it was the headline-grabbing energy prize freeze, Conor and James think it’ll be devolution and the NHS this time around.

What can people look forward to?

James and Danny want to hear a unifying message that sets out Ed Miliband’s vision for Labour’s Britain.

Related links
ANALYSIS: The Scottish Independence Referendum – What Happens Next?
NEWS: PLMR to open Scotland office
PODCAST: Scotland: Should they stay or should they go?
PODCAST: What does the Scottish referendum mean for the public affairs industry in the UK?

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