From working with large national charities such as Cancer Research UK and Combat Stress, to providing support to smaller organisations such as Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope (ELofH), PLMR’s commitment to charitable causes is part of what makes the business tick.
As part of our work with ELofH, PLMR’s Rebecca Newsom (who is Chair of Trustees), recently travelled to Sierra Leone to witness first-hand the life changing work being undertaken. She revisited two camps for amputees that she and Kevin Craig had visited the Summer before.
On that very emotional visit to the camps the previous summer, Rebecca and Kevin, whilst unable to promise to help those they met through the objectives of the charity that they were with (the need lay outside the charity’s aims and objectives and the Charity Commission doesn’t take kindly to organisations going off piste), they were so moved that they vowed that day in June 2012 that they would return, that they would do something. They were feted and lauded on arrival at these camps with overwhelming kindness. They knew something had to be done.
And so now, and prompted by the passing of Phyllis Craig, who died in September 2012 and in whose memory these donations are made, PLMR has made two donations to support the communities visited by Rebecca and Kevin. We decide to donate £2000 to provide business grants and financial support for 20 families at Asker Amputee Camp, Makeni. Many of the adults in the community suffer from very challenging physical disabilities, having tragically lost arms and legs in Sierra Leone’s bloody civil war. As such the community struggles to provide for itself in a sustainable way.
PLMR’s donation will be distributed through the registered UK charity, Street Child of Sierra Leone, and will provide start-up capital and financial guidance for each family to develop sustainable small business schemes, such as mango selling in the local village. It is hoped that by helping the community create successful businesses they will be able to support the school fees of their 64 children. With this vital support many of the children would be able to complete their education, and we hope it will help empower this community to become self-sufficient in the long term.
When being informed of the donation the community heard at length about Phyllis, her kindness, compassion, and determination to help those less fortunate than herself and they were also showed a picture of her and were very touched.
Furthermore, we also donated £250 via the Sierra Leone registered charity Future for Children, to New Creation Primary School in Freetown. The school is incredibly under-resourced with all 350 children fitting into a small crumbling hall which is divided into separate classrooms by four partitions.
Our donation provided five new exercise books and two new pens for each of the 350 children, plus other stationary including chalk for the teachers, erasers and pencil sharpeners.
Every year, in addition to PLMR growing as a company, delivering for clients, staff and shareholders, we all take something from the fact that on top of that, many other causes are supported because of the way we do business. It can’t help everyone that needs help, but it certainly can’t do any harm – especially when we help in a very sustainable and long term way.
Follow the links below to find out more.
PLMR’s commitment to charitable giving.
Street Child of Sierra Leone.