PLMR Social Care Manifesto Analysis

The release of the major party manifestos this month has offered the first, comprehensive insight into the direction each party would like to lead the country from the 4th of July.

With the polls projecting a likely Labour win, their manifesto has understandably attracted the most attention throughout the election campaign. But the polls are only indicative, and nothing is ever promised. Therefore, it is essential for those in every sector to also pay close attention to the manifestos outlined by the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.

This is particularly true for those working in social care. The sector has been in desperate need of dedicated political attention for decades, and now lingers on the brink of crisis. Struggling in the face of consistent underfunding, a workforce recruitment and retention crisis, and increasing demand as the UK’s population ages, a comprehensive political strategy for social care has never been more crucial.

The three major parties have set out drastically different visions for the future of the sector, with some indicating the possibility of real, positive transformation.

Understanding the nuances of each party’s respective plans is essential for appreciating what the future of social care policy may be, but also for those in the sector to begin planning their services appropriately.

Some key learnings to consider from analysis of the major party manifestos:

  • Funding is the great differentiator between approaches to social care, with commitments laid out in each manifesto ranging from £0 to £9bn.
  • Though all three parties appear to appreciate the necessity of social care workforce reform, they have varying views on the scale of plans required to foster necessary transformation.
  • Social care may still be considered a ‘third rail’ issue across much of the political spectrum, as those with the greatest likelihood of forming the next government continue to steer clear of making big promises for the sector.


Download and read our full General Election 2024 social care manifesto analysis here.

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