Five top tips for email marketing

Email marketing is an incredibly valuable part of an organisation’s marketing strategy. If you’re unsure where to start, we’ve got some top tips on how to nail email marketing!

Top Tip #1 – A compelling subject line

This is the very first thing that your recipient is going to see and so it needs to be direct, punchy and intriguing. Don’t make it too long. The subject line shouldn’t be any longer than 9 words or 60 characters – research shows a subject line of 44 characters is the winning length. Think about the problem that your email is going to provide a solution for. For example, if you’re selling Christmas gifts, why not try something like ‘Can’t find that perfect gift? It’s inside this email ?’.

Top Tip #2 – Keep the readers intrigued with a short and concise email

As passionate as you might be about the contents of your email, the readers are unlikely to want to keep on scrolling. If the copy is too long, readers will simply click away and move onto something more engaging. The cliché ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ exists for a reason, and that’s no different when it comes to email marketing. Including high-quality images helps to break up your text and makes the mailer easier on the eye.

Top Tip #3 – Make sure you have some great ‘call to action’ buttons

There is nothing worse than seeing something you want to know more about – or even buy – and not being able to get to it when your interest is piqued. That’s why it’s important to include clear call to action buttons in your email. Make sure they stand out and are a good size for a finger to tap on mobile and be clear with labelling them, so people know exactly what action they are taking with the click.

Top Tip #4 – Avoid going into Spam

The last thing you want after thoughtfully crafting your email is for it to end up in the recipient’s spam or junk folder.

When you first send an email, include an additional call to action such as, ‘To make sure you receive our emails in future, please add us to your trusted senders list’. This will help avoid your email heading straight to spam or junk.

Top Tip #5 – Try, try, and try again

You won’t know what works best for your business until you test. One easy test is to find out the best day and time to send your emails. Industry wisdom advises avoiding Monday and Friday as these are often low-engagement days. However, when sending them throughout the rest of the week, try to vary when they go out as this can be a way for you to find out which days and times your audience prefers. You can use this information to segment your email list, sending your emails at the right time and day for each group.

Bonus Tip – Ensure you are complying with data protection regulations

When sending out your marketing emails in the UK, one of the most important things to be aware of is that you must comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR. Only send emails to those who have explicitly signed up to receive them via a sign-up page or link. If you flout the rules of data protection then you could end up being heavily fined and in turn, your organisation’s reputation will incur untold damage.

To find out more about how PLMR Genesis can help you achieve your email marketing goals, contact us today!

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