A new member joins the Advent team

Catherine Vonledebur joined the Advent team this month, after working as a news and features journalist for regional and national newspapers/women’s magazines.

Catherine Vonledebur joined the Advent team this month, after working as a news and features journalist for regional and national newspapers/women’s magazines.

She previously edited digital lifestyle platform Muddy Stilettos Warwickshire for four years and was a regional arts and entertainment reporter for The Mirror’s BPM Media (Birmingham Post & Mail) and the Coventry Telegraph.

After graduating in English Literature in Cardiff University and qualifying as a journalist, other posts have included senior journalist/features writer at NewsTeam, a national press agency in Birmingham, South Wales Echo, Cardiff, and North Wales Newspapers.

Photo Caption: Catherine Vonledebur

PLMR Policy Hub at Labour Party Conference

“Majoy surgery, not sticking plaster solutions” needed

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