Rev’s Blues Brothers mishap makes fundraising campaign national news

A bit of divine intervention helped propel our PR efforts for the tower restoration fundraising campaign on behalf of St Mary’s Church in Warwick into the national spotlight.

A bit of divine intervention helped propel our PR efforts for the tower restoration fundraising campaign on behalf of St Mary’s Church in Warwick into the national spotlight.

The vicar’s mobile phone mishap saw him inadvertently give part of his usual online Sunday service as one of the Blues Brothers.

Luckily, Reverend Vaughan Roberts saw the funny side so we tapped into our network of media contacts to get the story — and, more importantly, details of the fundraising campaign — in six national newspapers, two regionals, BBC online, and BBC Midlands Today, with spin-off mentions in The Week and on Channel Four’s daytime show Packed Lunch. It even attracted the attention of global news agency Reuters!

“Vicars should be able to laugh at themselves, not take themselves too seriously and have a bit of fun,” Vaughan told The Metro newspaper.

Find out about the serious side of St Mary’s fundraising here.

Picture caption: Blues Brothers mishap goes viral

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