Fast out the blocks for Sports and Wellness Hub spotlight

Fitness enthusiasts got their wish this month when gyms and sports centres were given the Government green light to open

Fitness enthusiasts got their wish this month when gyms and sports centres were given the Government green light to open.

The Sports and Wellness Hub at the University of Warwick was one of many facilities to re-open and was spotlighted in regional media as an example of how to invite users back safely.

Advent acted fast after the government announcement to position the Hub as a leader in the sector. The state-of-the-art facility was profiled by ITV Central, BBC Coventry and Warwickshire and on Coventry Live.

Advent managing director Adam Dent said: “We pride ourselves on reacting quickly to key government announcements and in this case we were able to achieve fantastic coverage for the Sports and Wellness Hub.”

Caption: Lisa Dodd-Mayne, Director of Sport and Active Communities at the University of Warwick, being interviewed by ITV Central.

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