How to go viral: What we can learn from Lucas the Spider

In the space of just three months, the YouTube channel, Lucas the Spider, has reached more than 50 million views, and one million subscribers. But how did something so simple as a set of 30 second video clips gain such fame in such a short timeframe? Here are our tips on how to go viral, taking pointers from the internet’s favourite animated arachnid:

Be unexpected:
One of the key things that made the channel so interesting was how it defied expectations. Spiders are hardly considered cute by the vast majority after all! But by combining a childlike voice and Disney-esque eyes to the character of Lucas the Spider, the creator managed to bring to life a loveable, and unexpected hero to our computer and device screens.

Catch attention quickly:
If the Vine craze taught us anything, it’s that brevity truly is the source of wit. You have such a short window of attention span in which to capture your audience, and Lucas is a great example of this, with clips ranging from just 20-30 seconds long. Despite their shortened length, they still encapsulate an engaging narrative – and this is a great rule of thumb for anything you’re trying to share: you don’t need long to tell your story! You can draw people in with just a short amount of time, and then bring them in to find out more.

Quality is key:
The Lucas the Spider YouTube channel has just six videos. It doesn’t churn out content quickly, as the animations probably take a great deal of time, as the level of detail is so high, but this is far more valuable to the viewers of the video. Take the time to hone your content. Make it as good as it possibly can be, as the quality will be what engages your audience and make them want more.

Want to engage a wide audience through video content? Find out more at our INSIGHTS Seminar on May 4th – The Power and Prominence of Video!

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