5 Tips for Successful Event Management

Organising an event can often seem like a daunting task, with a never ending ‘to do’ list and a multitude of different stakeholders to keep happy.

However, with the right approach and close attention to detail, event planning can be a relatively stress free and rewarding process.


In this blog we share our five top tips for successful event management…


1 – Plan, plan, plan! You can never start too early when it comes to coordinating an event. Thorough planning (objectives, audience, format, style, content, speakers, marketing) and budgeting means that you will feel more prepared and in control in the final, crucial few weeks before the event takes place. A Gantt chart is a useful tool to schedule and keep track of what tasks need to be done at which time.


2 – Assign responsibilities. To ensure that all jobs are completed on time and to a high standard, assign specific responsibilities to different members of your event team and/or source external specialists where needed for a professional job. Whether it is organising catering arrangements, selling tickets or designing invitations, many hands make light work! Remember that clear and regular communication between colleagues is also important.


3 – Be flexible. Recognise that during event planning things can change at the drop of a hat. Be ready to face any situation head-on and take unforeseen challenges in your stride. Thorough planning in the early stages will help with this. Set expectations about what’s possible and don’t overpromise.


4 – Be social. Social media is a great tool in your armoury as an event coordinator. It is a great way to promote your event to a wider audience, increase engagement and make useful connections. Choose a # for your event and use it throughout your marketing. Enquiries can be driven to an event page on your website. Social media can also help maintain the event ‘buzz’ long after the event has finished.


5 – Evaluate. Don’t underestimate the importance of follow-up and evaluation. A good start is to create a feedback survey e.g. using Survey Monkey which can be sent out to attendees immediately after the event. The results from this can be used to see what went well and what can be improved upon for next time.


At Genesis PR we deliver end-to-end event management solutions for both large scale and smaller events. For more information call us on 01473 326400 or email hello@genesispr.co.uk.

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