Coventry & Warwickshire at MIPIM

Artist's impression of the City Centre South development

Advent is helping Coventry and Warwickshire take one of its largest regeneration agendas to the world’s biggest property show.

The major schemes announced since the turn of the year along with longer established regeneration targets will form the basis of their presence at MIPIM – which stretches back more than 20 years.

Plans for the City Centre South mixed-use development will be on show to an international audience, and Coventry’s bid to be City of Culture in 2021 – and the development opportunities it could bring – will also be highlighted through series of events at the show along with the plans for Nuneaton town centre and the Creative Quarter in Leamington.

The Coventry and Warwickshire MIPIM Partnership – made up and companies and organisations which support the presence at the show – will be showcasing its development and investment opportunities alongside other cites from the Midlands Engine area.

Pictured – Artist’s impression of the City Centre South development

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