On Tuesday there will be a Scottish Government Debate on Protecting Scotland’s Interests in Negotiating our Future Relationship with Europe. This will be followed by Members’ Business, with Stewart Stevenson calling on parliament to commend the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation’s (SFF) A Sea of Opportunity campaign.
On Wednesday Portfolio Questions focus on Education and Skills. There will also be a Ministerial Statement on Delivering an Enhanced Trauma Network for Scotland. This comes after the subject was raised at last week’s First Ministers’ Questions.
There will then be Scottish Conservative debate on Enterprise, followed by another Conservative debate on Health. Finally, Members’ Business will be led by Richard Leonard who seeks to highlight the 30th Anniversary of Workers’ Occupation of Caterpillar Plant in Tannochside.
First Minister’s Questions will take place on Thursday. Bob Dorris will then lead Members’ Business by highlighting the planned closures of Jobcentres in Glasgow. At 2.30pm there will be a Ministerial Statement outlining the Draft Climate Change Plan. Finally, there will be a Scottish Government Debate on The Future of Funding for Rural Development.