Fake news, post-truths, lies, lies, lies, what has gone wrong and what can be done?
It’s the latest major challenge for the PR industry, so here are five ways which PR in its truest form can rise above it…
1 – Do the right thing. Reputation is built on firm foundations of sound business practice. Companies which do the right thing by their customers, shareholders, employees and communities have the best stories to tell and their brands live and breathe their values. Customer and employee loyalty, sales and business success follow.
2 – Say the right thing. The best PR strategies (which achieve the desired outcomes) are about connecting with target audiences through content which is relevant and engaging and which resonates with your brand. Know who you are as a brand, who your audiences are and how you want to talk to the media and your stakeholders. Be true to who you are and PR will achieve cut through in this fake news world.
3 – Respect all media. President Trump’s accusations about the media are a hopeless defence of his own inadequacies. Honesty, respect and a shared understanding between PR and the media are all that we need. PR is about achieving mutual understanding between any business or organisation and all its audiences – in support of its goals. The media, in all its guises, is core to PR and needs to be understood, respected and nurtured.
4 – Don’t ignore the significance of social and digital media. Over 80% of adults in the UK use the internet every day and are sourcing their news online. With so many channels available, the opportunity for alternative facts to circulate is huge. Make sure the content you create is available on all your channels and that you are connecting with customers and the media to build your brand’s reputation.
5 – Put PR in the driving seat. PR people are the thinkers, the strategists, working with companies to understand their goals and create and deliver the kinds of multi-dimensional, multi-media marketing communications which build lasting reputations.
There has never been a better time than now to see how your PR stacks up.