PLMR’s Week Ahead in Westminster: 19th June 2015

Who is Jeremy Corbyn?

Among the ballot of candidates to become the next leader of the Labour Party there is one name in particular that won’t be familiar to people across the country.

Jeremy Corbyn, the MP for Islington North in London, comes into the race very much on the leftfield – both in terms of his political beliefs and the surprise he has sprung by standing.

So who is he and what does he stand for?

To find out we spoke to Stephen Bush from the New Statesman and Rob Marchant, a former Labour Party Manager, who now writes the Centre Left blog.

We ask Stephen who is Jeremy Corbyn?

Stephen says he is a radical left-wing Labour party member, who is popular and likeable among MPs that don’t necessarily agree with him.

Will he get much support?

According to Stephen, it’s unlikely – particularly as David Miliband (a more right-wing candidate) got 55% of Labour member support during the last leadership race.

Is he popular locally?

Stephen accepts he is a hard-working MP but, even though he increased his majority, this may be down to the collapse of the Lib Dems.

How has Jeremy got onto the ballot?

Rob says you need 35 MPs to be nominated to become leader and several votes were moved around so that he could get enough.

Does he have a chance?

Rob rates his chances as ‘zero’

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