PLMR’s Week Ahead in Westminster: 10th October

Are UKIP really different from other politicians?

With the party winning their first seat in Parliament and a BBC Panorama programme out next week on Nigel Farage, there is a greater focus on UKIP than ever before.

PLMR’s Rob Comba is joined by Gawain Towler, UKIP’s Head of Press and Tom Mludzinski, Head of Political Polling at Comres to discuss why they are seen as separate from the rest.

What sets them apart in voters’ eyes?
Tom thinks it’s their tough stance on issues such as immigration which other parties have traditionally struggled with.

Will their approach change now they actually have an MP?
Gawain doesn’t think so. He says the party encourage their members to be independent. This approach does mean there is the occasional ‘dodgy MEP’ but these people are dealt with.

Is it easy for the party to be different when they don’t actually have any power?
Tom believes so and their real challenge is maintaining this ‘outsider’ approach as they become ‘insiders’.

Will Nigel Farage morph into a more typical party leader?
Tom says his personality is integral to his success. Gawain agrees and says it will never happen.

So Nigel Farage’s image isn’t a double-bluff, and is actually just good PR?
According to Gawain, this is no strategic thinking and this is how Nigel Farage really is.

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