Kevin Craig

Founder and CEO

A few moments ago PLMR’s MD Kevin Craig appeared on Boulton and Co. talking about the terrible story of Jacintha Saldanha, the nurse caught up in the Princess Kate hoax call situation. Here are ten questions of profound importance to how this tragic story will develop next.

A few moments ago PLMR’s MD Kevin Craig appeared on Boulton and Co. talking about the terrible story of Jacintha Saldanha, the nurse caught up in the Princess Kate hoax call situation.  Here are ten questions of profound importance to how this tragic story will develop next.

1)  Was consent obtained for the phone call to be broadcast?  Simple question, it either was or it
wasn’t. We don’t think it was and that means that the Australian Radio station did
something internationally that they couldn’t have done at home because of this loophole.
That needs to change.

2)  What protocols did King Edward VII have in place for a prank call of this nature and how do they compare to
the NHS? It’s very early days but having worked for NHS Trusts PLMR’s view is that at every level the
Hospital seems to have been inadequately prepared despite handling the Royal Family’s health for many

3)  Did the radio station try to obtain consent to broadcast?  What proof do they have that they even tried?

4)  What did the hospital do, or say to, internally to Jacintha Saldanha and her colleague? How, in detail,
was the situation handled? The full account will be necessary given what’s happened. Will the Hospital
agree to a full Inquiry? It needs one now.

5)  Are there are any circumstances particular to Jacintha Saldanha that made her more vulnerable to taking her
life in this manner.

6)  As asked by Members of Parliament in Britain today, will the Presenters be fired and who else in their
organisation might also end up leaving the employ of Austereo, the station’s owners?

7)  What legal advice on next steps has King Edward VII hospital taken? Has it explored all possible action
against the Radio Station and its owners? Has it instructed lawyers in Australia for opinion on every
possible recourse that it might seek on behalf of Jacintha Saldanha’s family, if not on its own behalf?
What will the British Police do, if anything?

8)  Will King Edward VII Hospital’s Chief Executive get on a plane to Australia and seek to meet the owners
of the station? Shouldn’t he? Will the Radio Station’s owners Austereo get on a plane and come up to
Britain to see her family? Shouldn’t they?

9)  Who is running the comms operation for King Edward VII and what is their plan for the next phase of this
terrible story?

10)  Who is going to look after this family and compensate them for their loss?


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