Read Kevin’s view here.
PR expert
Kevin Craig, managing director, PLMR
Good PR is about message and they got it across today: “We take responsibility but it wasn’t us Guv. We didn’t know about the hacking. We got let down. We are sorry. We feel humbled.”
Rupert Murdoch is one hell of a “hands off” News Corporation Chair and CEO – his grip on corporate governance is not at all detailed. He was often sketchy in his answers, seemingly finding it hard to hear and ponderous and reflective in his responses – all of which soaked up time nicely mind.
“Who was to blame?” MPs asked Rupert .“We were let down by those I trusted”. James Murdoch has a myriad of different ways to say “I don’t know”, is a bit jargony, but was across the detail and remained calm and respectful.
He apologised countless times and emoted regret. MPs that shone were Tom Watson, Philip Davies, Paul Farrelly and Louise Mensch but none got close to knocking the Murdochs of their stride.
As I feared, the Committee did not seem totally joined up and in exceptional circumstances such as this, that is a bit of a waste.. No PR gaffes though. Shareholders in News International will be pleased. Murdochs edge the win.
Not great PR but just boring, open, and contrite PR. And that is good for News International.
The full article can be viewed on the Telegraph website