PLMR to work with PSA on an integrated drive to save political studies

PR Week today reported on the news that PSA has chosen PLMR to help raise the association's profile following a very successful 60th Anniversary Awards last year

Integrated Drive To Save Political Studies

David Singleton, PR Week UK, 24 February 2011

The UK’s leading association supporting the study of politics has called in PLMR for a PR and lobbying drive to help ensure the subject is not a casualty of funding cuts at schools, colleges and universities

Founded in 1950, the PSA has an international membership including academics, policy makers, researchers and students.

PLMR helped the association with the PR for its 60th Anniversary Awards last year, and now takes on the brief of raising the association’s profile throughout 2011.

The PSA is keen to promote the work of its members to practitioners and the media, so their research helps inform policy-making. To this end it will target politicians and civil servants, primarily within the UK but also in Europe.

PLMR will also reach out to new audiences in a bid to ensure educational establishments continue to see high levels of interest in political studies.

PLMR associate director Kathrine Bancroft said: ‘2011 is set to be a fascinating year for British politics. With local and devolved elections this year and substantial reductions expected to the funding of research and teaching in subjects like politics, we look forward to assisting the PSA in championing the valuable contribution political studies makes to the cultural and political life of this country.’

At the PSA’s 60th Anniversary Awards in November last year, David Steel, Neil Kinnock and Geoffrey Howe were presented with awards for Lifetime Achievement in Politics.

You can read the article on the PR Week website

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